ACS is a leading international school group with a trail for academic excellence. To be considered for a position at ACS, you must be an outstanding educator who can inspire and engage students to become ‘Global Learner and Aspiring Leaders’. For us this means preparing our students for the leadership challenges of the 21st century and providing them with the skills, values, attitudes and attributes that they will need in order to achieve success and help them aspire to be the best that they can be.
We are always interested in receiving applications from qualified teachers throughout the school year.
Vacancies for (2020–21)
To Apply: Interested applicants are free to present their resumes/CVs. Applications should contain a CV with passport sized photograph and a letter of application. Email us at
Prospective competitors may likewise continue checking this site page, as we will distribute or publicize the Job Opportunities accessible at the school here, every now and then. Email us